Thursday, June 26, 2008


Finally things are seeming to start to get together and work out okay. I got a job, and although it is only part time and only until late July, I love it and I am so thankful for the experience. I am working as a teaching aid for special ed summer school. There are 7 kids in our class and they are all so adorable, and super bright, smart and unique. I really couldn't ask for a better job right now. Now the challenge will be finding something to fill its place when the summer school ends. I can be a substitute for the school district, but I'll have to do something else when I'm not doing that.

I finally received my degree information and I found out that I did in fact graduate in May, but somehow I still received distinction. Plus I had the pleasant surprise of finding out that I graduated cum laude as well! So for now things are going a little bit better and I can live with myself a little bit more. One more rent payment on the hideous apartment and the future is ahead. I'm crossing my fingers that things keep going along this surprisingly pleasant path!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just 'cause I'm actually online for fun...

So update... horray I suppose. I've been busy despite not being employed. I've been looking for a job almost every day and riding my bike a lot. Although now it's over at Mark's so I'm not able to use it cause he's not home! I went to a job fair yesterday. Nothing really exciting, it was rather small and uneventful. I did get a pretty awesome Rockem Sockem Robots-esque pen from SPSS (a statistical analysis software company). I'm just rather upset that I haven't heard back from anyone really about jobs. I wish they would at least just reject me so I wouldn't hang on to a slim chance that I might still get a job. It saddens me that I'm not employed, although I know a lot of people aren't and my mom even told me it took my dad 6 months to get a job out of college. I'm starting to think that I should just go ahead and get a job at Caribou Coffee or something and keep searching for something more substantial for now.

That mixed with my friend suddenly moving out to Arizona have been toying with my emotions and I'm rather touchy lately. I don't like being such a loose cannon, but I don't know how to control it I suppose. Sometimes I think I'm just plain crazy how I go from one end to another. I suppose it's just a side effect of stress. I just hate feeling depressed.... nothing is working out and everything seems topsy-turvy. I guess I just was too confident about the way everything would turn out.

well this is just a minuscule rant about my apparent crankiness. I really don't have anything nice to say so I'll cut this short. I'll hope for better days.