Friday, February 20, 2009


So I am embarking on another quilting mission! (Unfortunately it's kinda top secret so I cannot reveal much...) I am very excited!
I think my first real gift-quilt turned out exquisitely! Thanks to my dear Heather, I finally have pictures to stroke my ego with!

Voila! The amazing front of the quilt! I chose a pastel base for the colors with floral prints accenting. I think my pattern also turned out pretty cool too! The pinky-purpley bit was supposed to be more diamondy looking, but I like the pattern it makes when you squint your eyes at it a bit or look at the picture from afar. The back is fleece with a border of the same floral used in the purple squares.

It's a totally cuddly quilt meant to be destroyed with love!

Mostly, I'm really proud of myself for actually doing it and finishing it! Quilting is very much a stress-reducing activity for me (although it can cause a bit of stress on its own...) I enjoy it completely!!

I'll have to wait a little while to have any info/ pictures of my next project... but I promise it'll be awesome!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

And less than a year later...

We're dealing with this crap again. My Grandma is in the hospital. Seven years of fighting cancer, and now there is nothing the doctors can do for her, except send her home. They say she has a tumor in her chest that is pushing on her lungs and heart, and they have given her 2 to 3 weeks. It's just so.... sucky. I can't think of a better word... I'm still trying to get over my Grandpa passing... I really don't think my family is ready for this. I suppose this time we have time to prepare, say our goodbyes, but it still so sucks. I'm glad that the hospital is sending her home. She wants that, and I think she needs it. I just don't want to accept it, nor deal with it... My aunt is extremely pregnant and due sometime in March. I just pray and hope that my Grandma can see, or even hear, about the new baby. It just all hurts....

Monday, February 16, 2009

Tony is trying to kill me...

So today was day one of my new workout routine. Day one = Core! I am absolutely determined to go through with it, in hopes that I will look awesomely amazing by my birthday (which is coincidentally the last day of the program). I have the will power as of now... but I'm not so sure I have the body power to just jump right in... Each workout is about an hour long, but I was only able to do 40 minutes... Which actually thinking about it, is pretty good for someone who has been relatively in-active (exercise wise). All I can do is keep working and hope I get better! Go me!

In other news, I have two interviews on Wednesday for part-time jobs. Here's hoping I get one of them! Better yet, both of them! Perhaps I will have a choice!

I suppose that is all for now... I hope this gets more interesting...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Back in Black... well... okay... Pink

So with the recent explosion of all my friends blogging again, I decided it was high time I tried it again... I think I just gave up due to my lame-ass writing skills... but I have recently discovered that I need to actually try to see results.

So even though living at home kinda sucks... I still feel less stressed, and thus less of a bitch. This is always a good thing! And it's not like I don't have a social life. I'm out every Wednesday night with the guys at Quizzo, and I usually have stuff to do on the weekends!

And I love my job! The kids are so awesome and amazing!! They have seriously made me reconsider my future career options... Now I just need to get my butt in gear so I can apply to grad school and not stay a home-bum.
I recently applied for a second job... I have two interviews coming up which is a good sign, especially in this crap-hole of an economy.

Also on my recent "life-list" is the idea of working out. I got a Wii-fit which is nice and all for keeping track of weight goals, etc. but I and going to start something a bit more intense. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I won't chicken out of it and start being lazy again. I need to do this, for myself, to prove that I just need to get out there and do it. I know I can do it!

On another positive note.. I have been having a creative kick lately! I think all those pre-school art projects have really paid off! I have a bunch of sewing projects slated! Very exciting!!

Well, I suppose now that I have caught up, basically, all my other posts will probably seem less random and pointless :-P