Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wife Rating

Yes, you read correctly "Wife Rating"
"What the hell is that?!" You may ask, well I shall tell you.
Recently, a fellow student came up to one of my other fellow students and said "Katie, you're married right?" (Side note: this was funny because Katie and I were talking about marriage) Our fellow student preceded to show us this:
Interesting, no? Now, you must be saying to yourself, "this looks like it's from 'back in the day.'" And, well, you're right! (1939 to be exact!) I find it so funny now too look at this, and I even asked Boyfriend to give me a rating. He laughed when I told him to be honest. I got a 10, by the way. That's "Very Poor (failures)"
But really, who uses the word 'demerit' any more? Do I need to go get my dunce hat and sit in the corner?
To be fair, according to the article there was a woman's version too. But what would that have had on it?
Makes money
Does not talk to you or engage your children
Does not beat you
Pretends to enjoy your cooking
Watches TV and relaxes when he comes home
Comes to bed ready

Does not dress in a suit
Does not buy you nice things
Leaves cigarette butts around the house
Is a drunk

Feel free to brainstorm with me here, since the article did not show us the wife rating the husband version I'm curious.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cupcakes, Camping and Caves

Another week and grad school is slowly beating my morale down. Although, I did better on my recent quizzes than I thought I would.
Luckily, this weekend Mark and I were able to have a nice getaway in southwest Wisconsin. A weekend of technology-less communing with nature and rucus RV-camping neighbors.
Although it was chilly, and rather windy, the weekend was pleasant and enjoyable. AND hiking yielded these views:

Yes, It was lovely :-) and might I say that the boyfriend gets major points for being a manly man. (and for carrying all my stuff in his tiny backpack)

After our woody adventure we decided we would hike to a nearby attraction that said it was just off of a major hiking trail. Not true. We had to hike all the way back to the car and drive. In hindsight, this was probably better.
We found ourselves at one of the more delightful Southwest Wisconsin tourist traps- Cave of the Mounds. View their website here. The cool thing is that this is a real cave in the side one of the Blue Mounds just outside of (West-ish) Madison. It's something you don't see in this part of the country. Here are some awesome pictures from that adventure as well.

the weird veiny thing on the top is cave bacon or ribbon stalactites

Cave dome where sulfuric acid bubbled up a long time ago

Cave coral and a small lake

Rock "waterfall" although it's really rough


Stalactites and Stalagmites

It goes really far back

A dome. I think there's some cave bacon in there too.

And last but not least for this post, as promised by the title, cupcakes. Last weekend I made those dark chocolate ones again and this time i put marshmallow and caramel on them... they very VERY messy, but very delicious. :-)

Friday, October 7, 2011

And this is how babies are made....

I know you may have clicked on this merely because the title looked intriguing... and perhaps sexy.

Well, it kinda is.

Babies are made because of dark chocolate cupcake batter. Yes, this is true. It's pure sex. I haven't even gotten to taste the cooked product (I hear it is DIVINE, by the way). I will go ahead and answer the question that probably hasn't crossed your mind just yet, no, I am not pregnant. I've got my bases covered...

Okay, now that you really didn't need to know that.... back to the ever delicious dark chocolate cupcakes. Want to see pictures?! Because I actually have pictures! *gasp*

I am super proud of these, I have wanted to do these designs for a long time.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Today's Project

Okay today's project (after school, of course) is dark chocolate cupcakes!
I am becoming known in many circles for my cupcakes, which is kinda cool, and a friend's mom called me to make some for a bridal shower for her work. She said she wanted chocolate, so I'm going to give her chocolate :-)

I am super excited about this recipe, it is from one of my favorite food blogs Brown Eyed Baker. She pairs it with a peanut butter frosting (yum!) But I'm still not sure which kind of frosting I'm going to use. I'm thinking good ol' homemade vanilla.

In other baking news, the SLP bake sale is coming up quickly (Oct. 19, 20, 21). I'm starting to gather some recipes for my bake-a-thon. I know I'm going to make some pumpkin whoopie pies, but I want another recipe... Perhaps if these dark chocolate cuppies go well I will make a marshmallow frosting and top it with some sea salt caramel.... Okay, now that I'm drooling all over the keyboard... Any other fall-inspired flavors? Should I do some fancy decorating? So many decisions!

Happy baking!