Monday, April 21, 2008

This is all a bunch of bull....

I feel like no one takes me seriously as an undergraduate. I'm just pond scum to TAs with power trips and Professors as old as dirt. I had a meeting today and when I got there my professor was in with a grad student. I tried to poke my head in but the door was basically closed in my face. If I had been in with the professor she would have kicked me out because she had another meeting. It's complete bull crap. She has constantly forgotten my appointments, been up to 30 minutes late and had the nerve to e-mail me wondering where I was. How long am I supposed to wait for you? I'm just so sick of it. And I feel like I can't stand up for myself because it will affect my grade, or I won't get a recommendation I need in order to get a good research job. I know that they wouldn't be allowed necessarily to do such a think, grade wise at least, but in my world it seems entirely possible. I'm just so pissed off. And that TA last Friday, telling me that I would loose points because I was at my grandfather's funeral?!! what the Hell kind of education system are they running here? I know i shouldn't take it all personally, but still.... it feels so unfair and unjust. I feel like such an underdog. I do my work, I try hard... but I feel like I'm still shot down or not taken seriously because I"m an undergraduate student. I'm so upset by all of this nonsense and crap. I'm too pissed off to think. I'm tired of waiting for meetings. Sick and tired of it!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Dude Earthquake!

Yes folks! My roommates and I just felt an earthquake. In Illinois.... and we're like 200 miles north of where it happened! woah!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Random Thoughts...

Here are several random thoughts as I am trying... and not succeeding... to work on my thesis project in the phonetics lab.

-The clouds yesterday looked like the happy clouds from the Mario Bros games... and it just took me three tries to spell 'clouds' correctly... I'll blame it on the keyboard...

-OMG Facebook!

-I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. I've lost all connection I had with my thesis, and I feel like it will never get done. The grades for my transcript are due May 19th, but I still haven't gotten a straight answer on the whole getting departmental distinction. I'm sure I have to go talk to countless people about that.

-my left eye hates me.

-I have a whole crapton of things to do... and of course I'm far too unmotivated and lazy to get them done... thus me sitting here blogging.

-perhaps I will finally dye my hair tonight... after putting it off time and again over the weekend.

-I don't even know why I bother to put periods at the end of my "bullet points". I suppose they are complete sentences.

-I just used the phrase "OMG Facebook!" above didn't I? Crap.

-this is becoming rather Woody Allenesque. It's probably a good think that no one really reads this.

-I'm so lazy I don't even update my blog everyday like I've wanted to. I guess I never really have much to say anyway. i'm not really controversial, and my daily life of a linguist is not exactly dangerous or interesting... unless a new IPA symbol is created... then I suppose it could be both.... or if my thesis and random theories displease the chompsky-labov gods. then we have a problem....

-p.s. i'm not all that funny.

-they still have the posters up from the lab open house. my name will be mysteriously infamous among the lab crowd.

-i'm graduating in 3 weeks... holy crap. ohmygod help!

-I should start that Karma paper... I need to find a good source so I can extract long pointless quotes to fill the 10pages of BS that I'll end up writing.

-I really am not as self defeating as my post appears... in fact right now I'm being an egomaniac... as evident from the insanely long post based purely on my inner random thoughts....

- I suppose I should get some work done, so this trip to the lab is not entirely useless.

-perhaps i shall do this weekly... the random thoughts thing... perhaps some actually interesting and intellectually stimulating thoughts will emerge? we shall see!

-hey look at that! it's 4:15 on 4/15!

Monday, April 14, 2008

what I see

I intended this to be a song... although it'll probably never be sung outside of my head.

The subject is pretty straightforward and frank. It's meant to be obvious.

It's the first thing besides papers that I've written in a while and it's actually a shock to me that it's on this topic...
but anywho.... enjoy

What I See

Make-up lies
Unreal size
I don’t fit in

You tell me
You have to be
Just like them

Starbuck coffee
It’s all the fuckin’ same

Bleach blond hair
Like I care
I want to escape

Find me again
And sweep me off my feet
I can’t understand
How I got so far from me

One day I’ll love
Just as much as I feel
Until then
I’ll just be
Exactly what I see

And beauty queens
Why do I feel so lost?

Many guys
Fashion crimes
Superficial has become norm

If you could
We’d all bow down

Come on Barbie
Let’s go party
It’s all about wastin’ life

Find me again
And sweep me off my feet
I can’t understand
How I got so far from me

One day I’ll love
Just as much as I feel
Until then
I’ll just be
Exactly what I see

Veggie spas
Botox moms
I can’t tell what is real

Huge cars
Skanky bars
We just can’t stay still

Crack cocain
It’s insane
We have to be like that

Size two
Nothin’ new
And you’re ugly if you’re not

Find me again
And sweep me off my feet
I can’t understand
How I got so far from me

One day I’ll love
Just as much as I feel
Until then
I’ll just be
Exactly what I see

Come on mirror
You must be wrong
Everyone is six foot tall

Skinny jeans
Sex for dreams
It’s all about money

Pilled erection
To perfection
We just have to all fit in

Self mutilation
Lost all communication
To me…

Find me again
And sweep me off my feet
I can’t understand
How I got so far from me

One day I’ll love
Just as much as I feel
Until then
I’ll just be
Exactly what I see

I’m not you
But I’m not me
I’m exactly what you see

I loose my way
In the sea of false beauty

My bad disguise
I can only cry… so much

I have to be
What I see

Find me again
And sweep me off my feet
I can’t understand
How I got so far from me

One day I’ll love
Just as much as I feel
Until then
I’ll just be
Exactly what I see