Monday, July 18, 2011

Ode to my Spork

Dear Spork,
I love you. You have made my day countless times. You are not just any cafeteria spork, oh no, you have a fork and knife on one side and a spoon on the other. AND you come in "civilized colors" as your box says. Not only are you good for camping, but you make a great lunch accessory! Not to mention how you leave me with only one piece of silverware to wash instead of three. Spork, you are fabulous in so many ways. Everyone should have one of you. In fact, I wish I had more of you. Thank you for all that you do.


(And thank you REI for having the Light My Fire Sporks for me to enjoy!)

I was going to add pictures of cupcakes to this post, but for some reason blogger hates me...

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