Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sew monkey sew!!

So It's been a while... quite a while.... since my last post. Probably due to job 2. I hate that I have no social life (aside from Quizzo every Wednesday) and the job pretty much sucks right now... It's prom season... But I keep telling myself, if I can just get through May all will be well and good. My mom keeps telling me to think of the money. I just keep thinking about how much I miss my pillow...

When I'm not working, I'm sewing. I finished my quilt for Kelly's wedding (left) and now I'm on to another one, as well as a billion other mini projects. I wanted to make my mom some wine glass coasters for mother's day... but I doubt I'll actually have the time to fiddle around to see if the design in my head will actually work.

In other news, my weekend at Purdue was... entertaining to say the least. I would also have to add the words "unexpected" and "ewwwe" to the description.... Lots of drinking... lots of shirtlessness (well, I wasn't shirtless) and a little bit of nasty flood water from the bathroom in the kitchen. The weather was beautiful, my friends' home brew was delicious, and the weekend was an all around winner. It was nice to have a weekend where I didn't actually have to work. But I will basically be bound to Mr. Tux for the rest of May. Okay, I lied a bit, I'm going to Florida for Memorial Day weekend with Mark :-) Hopefully we will go to the over-priced and probably-less-exciting-than-I'm-expecting Disney World.

And now I shall be off to iron and do other un-exciting prep work for my quilt!

1 comment:

Gioconda said...

Wow, you're so crafty (in a talented-in-crafts sort of way!)! I hope Disney World fulfills all of your dreams!