Sunday, June 21, 2009

It just doesn't make sense...

So a grim note to start up the blog again, but I need to get all the thoughts out of my head....

I got a call from the teacher I work with about an hour ago... she informed me that one of the other early childhood teachers had died this weekend. It's a bit of a shock. Something I definitely wasn't expecting to hear. She's so young... like late twenty's I'm guessing. I saw her Thursday at work. And she died of an asthma attack.... apparently only 4,000 people a year die from asthma.

I just can't wrap my head around it... there is no way it makes sense in my head. I'm sure it will hit me walking into work tomorrow morning... and there is a big chance I won't sleep at all tonight. It's just so creepy and wrong and weird.

I don't want to end up seeming inappropriately unemotional at work, which has happened to me in the past, but I suppose I don't know how I will feel. I kind of knew her. I interacted with her. We were supposed to have a room connected with her next year. I was supposed to see her tomorrow at summer school.... It just doesn't make sense, and I hope it does hit me... I think I need to feel something other than confusion right now... even though I know all too well that confusion and denial is supposed to happen it just adds all the more to extended senselessness....

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