Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Keys! (And why I read sex novels)

So Mark and I have received our keys for our new "apartment" (it's actually a duplex!) and I'm getting really anxious to get inside! We officially move in Sept. 1st, which I suppose is a good thing because I'm actively avoiding packing my things (Note: blog writing...). I'm not really sure where to start... My good friend suggested I start with the important things: clothes, books & shoes.
I think I'm getting a bit of a complex from my mother constantly saying "when you're gone I'll have so much room!" or "There won't be so much shit when your gone."
Thanks Mom.
I get it though, she wants her house, and she did have 4 years of me not being around before I came back from undergrad poor and job-less. Even having 2 jobs didn't give me enough money to branch out on my own. This could easily turn into a political rant and all things money related, but I'm not going there... (boo! no fun!)
I'm finally excited that I get to be a real adult (albeit still poor and job-less) with responsibilities that I'm sure will get old very quickly, but excited I am nonetheless. And I'm pretty sure Mark is almost as excited as I am, although his dad seems a little more like he wants to keep Mark around for awhile.
Well, the lease is signed, our security deposit and 1st month's rent have been paid, and we have keys. It's on. We're really doing this! And now there's even more pressure for marriage. It'll happen. Eventually. We like making you people sweat.

And now! The moment my 2.5 blog readers have been waiting for! The second part of my title! I've recently mentioned to a lot of my friends that I greatly enjoy reading those romantic (and more often than not erotic) novels. Not surprisingly, I get a lot of shit mostly from my guy friends (most of the girls giggle and later ask me for suggestions...).
Boys, come on, you all watch porn and it's accepted. It's what you do. Us girls can't read our porn? At least ours has a plot. A REAL plot. But beyond that, for me it is an escape, like a good book should be.
When I say "good book", I'm not talking necessarily about award winners or books that gain the nods of scholars, I mean a book that captures you, takes you to a different world and makes you completely unable to put it down. Some girls like to read those sweet romances with gentle love scenes and marriage, and some (like me) like the gritty and, I'll say it, rough love stories with action, adventure and incredible sex scenes. Some of them make me swoon, and some well... yeah they're hot. I haven't heard any complaints from Mark about me reading them ;-)
So girls, own what you read! If you want to read your sex novels go ahead! There's no shame in getting a little novel-love! Yes, some of the titles are giggle-worthy, and some of those novels are incredibly predictable, but they're fun! I've got a few suggestions if you need any :-)

I mean really... look at this cover... drool!

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