Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Goals for September

Okay, so as August comes to a close, and I have had a lot on my mind, I decided to list my goals for the coming month of change. I think I've accomplished a good deal of things in August, including finding an apartment & signing the lease, ending my job at Mr. Tux, and getting 3 shots & blood drawn at the doctor without being a complete baby about it (let's not mention I almost passed out...)

September comes to me with a lot of new changes. A new home, living with the most amazing guy in the world (it's about time), no job, and the start of grad school at one of the best colleges in the nation. (oh and a new computer! yay!)

Let's start with the obvious goals:
  • Successfully moving in to my new home- with lots of packing still to do, and having to go all the way to Wisconsin with a U-haul to get all of our furniture, there is a lot that can go wrong and it's already insanely stressful... Basically, I just want the hard labor part to be over and I want to enjoy being home  
  • Being a good house-girlfriend- I'm not a wife yet, and I will be going to school, so there will be shared responsibilities (we're not one of those old-fashioned couples...) Nonetheless, there's a sense of wanting to keep the house clean and I'm actually kind of excited to cook dinner and pack his lunch (tee hee, I think I might write adorable notes for him- even if it makes him the laughing stock at work, I'm evil, what can I say?)
  • Start working-out again- Hurting my back put the kabosh on that a while back, and I've honestly been too lazy to take it up again. With my recent doctor trip revealing a number I didn't want to know existed in relation to my body and with helping my friend move her shit down 3 flights of stairs panting all the way I determined what I already new to be true- I need Jillian again. I'll have to break out the smiley stickers (reward system, baby- works on kids and believe it or not it works on me too!)
  • Not failing the first few weeks of school- Okay, the likelihood of that happening is absurdly minimal, but I'm sure I'm not alone. I want everything to go smoothly and I want all the other kids to like me.
And now for actual, track-able goals!
Wish me luck!

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