Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wife Rating

Yes, you read correctly "Wife Rating"
"What the hell is that?!" You may ask, well I shall tell you.
Recently, a fellow student came up to one of my other fellow students and said "Katie, you're married right?" (Side note: this was funny because Katie and I were talking about marriage) Our fellow student preceded to show us this:
Interesting, no? Now, you must be saying to yourself, "this looks like it's from 'back in the day.'" And, well, you're right! (1939 to be exact!) I find it so funny now too look at this, and I even asked Boyfriend to give me a rating. He laughed when I told him to be honest. I got a 10, by the way. That's "Very Poor (failures)"
But really, who uses the word 'demerit' any more? Do I need to go get my dunce hat and sit in the corner?
To be fair, according to the article there was a woman's version too. But what would that have had on it?
Makes money
Does not talk to you or engage your children
Does not beat you
Pretends to enjoy your cooking
Watches TV and relaxes when he comes home
Comes to bed ready

Does not dress in a suit
Does not buy you nice things
Leaves cigarette butts around the house
Is a drunk

Feel free to brainstorm with me here, since the article did not show us the wife rating the husband version I'm curious.

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