Monday, April 21, 2008

This is all a bunch of bull....

I feel like no one takes me seriously as an undergraduate. I'm just pond scum to TAs with power trips and Professors as old as dirt. I had a meeting today and when I got there my professor was in with a grad student. I tried to poke my head in but the door was basically closed in my face. If I had been in with the professor she would have kicked me out because she had another meeting. It's complete bull crap. She has constantly forgotten my appointments, been up to 30 minutes late and had the nerve to e-mail me wondering where I was. How long am I supposed to wait for you? I'm just so sick of it. And I feel like I can't stand up for myself because it will affect my grade, or I won't get a recommendation I need in order to get a good research job. I know that they wouldn't be allowed necessarily to do such a think, grade wise at least, but in my world it seems entirely possible. I'm just so pissed off. And that TA last Friday, telling me that I would loose points because I was at my grandfather's funeral?!! what the Hell kind of education system are they running here? I know i shouldn't take it all personally, but still.... it feels so unfair and unjust. I feel like such an underdog. I do my work, I try hard... but I feel like I'm still shot down or not taken seriously because I"m an undergraduate student. I'm so upset by all of this nonsense and crap. I'm too pissed off to think. I'm tired of waiting for meetings. Sick and tired of it!

1 comment:

Gioconda said...

Wow that really sucks and I'm sorry she treated you that way. I hate that attitude, by the way; I hate the division between undergraduate and graduate students. I do remember you talking about that TA and that sucks. People can be really insensitive.