Thursday, June 9, 2011

The universal balance

I have decided that the universe is balancing itself today...

Getting into Northwestern was a high point, and it put my future into motion. Mark and I are finally able to really think about moving in together. I am so excited to start an adult life with him. I even have dish towels from my Grandma! She's excited to get rid of all the stuff in her storage unit. I am ready to feel like a real adult and take on some more responsibility. The nice thing is that we are not in a rush to get a place. Good ol' LZ is a nice mid point for both of us, although access it 94 is not as easy as it could be. We have been together for over 7 and 1/2 years... it's about time for our "next step".
I have direction in my career as well. I know that I'll be (in three years). No more of this "well, I have this degree in linguistics... what can I get out of that?" I will be a Speech Pathologist and I will have a pretty high chance of getting a decent job after grad school. This is good, considering I will have debt coming out of my ass... but that's Northwestern.

All this good, there has to be some balancing... although all things considering the bad is not nearly as bad as it could be and I'm still coming out on the positive :-)

I happened to leave the windows cracked in my car yesterday. I thought I'd be out shopping and since it was incredibly hot yesterday, and I have a black car, I decided a little air movement in the car would be a good thing. Well, Mark ended up driving and I ended up forgetting about my little cracked windows.... Enter torrential downpour... all night. So to my car, Kit, I'm sorry I let you down... I have learned my lesson for now...
Secondly, I found out this morning that I was moved from one classroom with the teacher I've been working with for 3 years and itty bitty babies (3yr olds) to another 2nd grader classroom for summer school. I"m kinda pissed, but I'm going to try to take it as a new opportunity to learn about working with older kids. I'm pretty sure some of the kids are ones that I had my first year as an aid as well, and I know the teacher too, so that helps.
Like I said, the universal shifts still seem positive over all. I have camping this weekend to look forward to, as long as the rain stays mostly at bay :-)
With that being said, I'm off to do laundry and other last minute packing, etc!

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