Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Long time no write...

Okay, they title can be a few things for me, 1) I haven't written in my darling little blog for a while & 2) I haven't written papers in a while and I'm kinda freaked out about writing one... (I know, I know, I'll do just fine.... can't a girl have a little anxiousness?!?!)

Well, so far all is well and good in the new casa :-)
We actually have a lot of new things, like a mattress (Mark actually fits!) and the new edition to our home arrived today... a 60" TV. Happy boyfriend, happy home right?

The first week of school is over and the first half of this week has been good so far. I"m getting used to reading things other than interesting young adult novels and I'm actually managing to make some friends. Oh, and I'm already known as "the Cupcake Girl". In fact, one of the girls even said to me "sorry, can you remind me your name again? Cupcakes right?" Yes, I will respond to Cupcake. I'll respond to anything really... That reminds me, one of my (former) roommates was very fond of giving people nicknames in college and had a bit of trouble coming up with one for me. She decided on Cupcake, but I don't think it was ever used. Well, darling, here you go!
I am excited for the SLP bake sale coming up on October! I have been scouring the interwebs for delicious, and fall-inspired, yummies. I have definitely decided on pumpkin whoopie pies a) because they are pumpkin and b) because I have never made whoopie pies before. And, of course, the picture looked amazingly delicious!
And how awesome to these puppies look! Chocolate Cupcakes with Salted Caramel Frosting
I have to admit that I am a fan of anything salted-caramel related :-)

Oh and I HAVE made cupcakes lately, but of course, I took pictures with my phone, and the phone decided to delete all my pictures... *string of expletives*
I do have another project coming up soon, so hopefully pictures will be a-plenty!

Ta for now

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