Sunday, February 15, 2009

Back in Black... well... okay... Pink

So with the recent explosion of all my friends blogging again, I decided it was high time I tried it again... I think I just gave up due to my lame-ass writing skills... but I have recently discovered that I need to actually try to see results.

So even though living at home kinda sucks... I still feel less stressed, and thus less of a bitch. This is always a good thing! And it's not like I don't have a social life. I'm out every Wednesday night with the guys at Quizzo, and I usually have stuff to do on the weekends!

And I love my job! The kids are so awesome and amazing!! They have seriously made me reconsider my future career options... Now I just need to get my butt in gear so I can apply to grad school and not stay a home-bum.
I recently applied for a second job... I have two interviews coming up which is a good sign, especially in this crap-hole of an economy.

Also on my recent "life-list" is the idea of working out. I got a Wii-fit which is nice and all for keeping track of weight goals, etc. but I and going to start something a bit more intense. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I won't chicken out of it and start being lazy again. I need to do this, for myself, to prove that I just need to get out there and do it. I know I can do it!

On another positive note.. I have been having a creative kick lately! I think all those pre-school art projects have really paid off! I have a bunch of sewing projects slated! Very exciting!!

Well, I suppose now that I have caught up, basically, all my other posts will probably seem less random and pointless :-P

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