Monday, February 16, 2009

Tony is trying to kill me...

So today was day one of my new workout routine. Day one = Core! I am absolutely determined to go through with it, in hopes that I will look awesomely amazing by my birthday (which is coincidentally the last day of the program). I have the will power as of now... but I'm not so sure I have the body power to just jump right in... Each workout is about an hour long, but I was only able to do 40 minutes... Which actually thinking about it, is pretty good for someone who has been relatively in-active (exercise wise). All I can do is keep working and hope I get better! Go me!

In other news, I have two interviews on Wednesday for part-time jobs. Here's hoping I get one of them! Better yet, both of them! Perhaps I will have a choice!

I suppose that is all for now... I hope this gets more interesting...


Gioconda said...

I'm excited for your new workout plan! I hope you have some fun. I've been doing kickboxing, but I don't go as often as some of my friends here. I LOVE your answer to the alien question in your profile! So you, so awesome!

jaimelesmots said...

Rock on! Kickboxing sounds like a lot of fun! Together we will be EXTRA hot rockstars! (because we're already hot! and rockstars!)