Friday, February 20, 2009


So I am embarking on another quilting mission! (Unfortunately it's kinda top secret so I cannot reveal much...) I am very excited!
I think my first real gift-quilt turned out exquisitely! Thanks to my dear Heather, I finally have pictures to stroke my ego with!

Voila! The amazing front of the quilt! I chose a pastel base for the colors with floral prints accenting. I think my pattern also turned out pretty cool too! The pinky-purpley bit was supposed to be more diamondy looking, but I like the pattern it makes when you squint your eyes at it a bit or look at the picture from afar. The back is fleece with a border of the same floral used in the purple squares.

It's a totally cuddly quilt meant to be destroyed with love!

Mostly, I'm really proud of myself for actually doing it and finishing it! Quilting is very much a stress-reducing activity for me (although it can cause a bit of stress on its own...) I enjoy it completely!!

I'll have to wait a little while to have any info/ pictures of my next project... but I promise it'll be awesome!!

1 comment:

Gioconda said...

Wow, I'm really impressed!